Udell T. Black & Linda Y. Braynen Legacy Scholarship

The Foundation funds the award based on merit and disburses it directly to young women who are enrolled as seniors.

The Foundation will initially announce the scholarship awardee during the annual ONYX Magazine’s Women on the Move Awards ceremony. Scholars will receive the actual monetary award upon showing that all criteria have been met.

Candidates must hold a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale, show college acceptance, and intend to major in one of the following fields: Communications, Business, Finance, STEM areas, or History. The ONYX Foundation committee will collaborate with individual schools in making the selections.

  • Recruitment Process: Annually August 1 – October 31
  • Student Notification: No later than January 31


U.S. Citizen, U.S. National, Permanent Resident, or Bahamian Resident.

Enrolled as a full-time high school senior.

Communications, Business, Finance, STEM Fields, History

3.3/4.0 or higher


  • Essay (500-600 words) “Why do you want to go to college and what will the scholarship be used for?”
  • Student biography of no more than 250 words (including in which field the student plans to study)
  • Student transcript showing grade point average
  • Full-color photo of the student (at least 300 dpi)

Official letter from college or university stating the student has been accepted to enroll as a freshman in the upcoming school year.

How can we help you?

There are many ways to make a difference. You may also contribute through planned giving, corporate partnership, endowment, stock, assets, cash.

High school students who receive ONYX Foundation scholarships get a financial kick start toward college costs.